Posted by SchoolDays Newshound, on 14/12/2023.
Tags: Teachers Parenting Education & Politics
Minister for Education Norma Foley TD along with Arlene Forster, Chief Executive Officer of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), today formally marked the recent launch of the open consultation on draft specifications for six Leaving Certificate subjects, as part of Senior Cycle Redevelopment.
Following approval by the NCCA Council at their meeting of 6 December 2023, draft subject specifications for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Arabic, Latin, and Ancient Greek are now out for consultation.
The consultation, which opened 8 December 2023, will engage with a wide variety of stakeholders. The NCCA has also contacted schools to participate in school-based focus groups involving teachers, students and school leaders.
Stakeholders can engage with the consultation through an online survey or an online submission. Additionally, for draft science subject specifications, an application may be made to participate in a consultation event.
Subject Development Groups for each subject will use the feedback from the consultations to inform work in refining final curriculum specifications.
The consultation will run until Friday 23 February 2024 and be accessed via the
NCCA’s website NotesThe first tranche of new and revised Leaving Certificate subjects will be introduced in schools in 2025. Each of these new and revised subject specifications will incorporate additional assessment component(s) (AACs) that are not a traditional written examination, which will be worth a minimum of 40% of the available marks and will be externally assessed by the State Examinations Commission (SEC).
There are nine subjects in the first tranche. Seven are revisions to existing subjects: Business, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Arabic, Latin, and Ancient Greek. There will also be two new subjects: Drama, Film and Theatre Studies, and Climate Action and Sustainable Development;
It is planned that the draft subject specifications for the remaining Tranche 1 subjects – Business, Climate Action and Sustainable Development, and Drama, Film and Theatre Studies, will be out for consultation in early Spring 2024, subject to approval by the NCCA Council;
The two new subjects of Drama, Film and Theatre Studies, and Climate Action and Sustainable Development, will be rolled out on a phased basis to a network of schools in 2025; and
Tranche 2 subjects will be introduced to the curriculum for all schools in 2026. The subjects in Tranche 2 are: Accounting, Construction Studies, Engineering, English, Geography, LCVP Link Modules, and Physical Education. Subject development work on the second tranche will commence shortly. Further tranches will be introduced on an annual basis thereafter.
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