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depressed teenager

depressed teenager           reply
07/07/2009 21:25 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Wexford)
have a 16 year old daughter and she has been very odd lately crying one minute and ok the next wont go out sits in bedroom all day even when sun is shining wont get up and when she does she flies off the handle if you say a word to her had a bit of depreession myself so i know the signs how can a 16 year old be like this????????

re : depressed teenager           reply
09/07/2009 10:25 - Ask Mother Hen
You really need to get the lines of communication open here. Try to talk to her in a very casual way, don´t go into her room with "we need to talk" attitude - that will send her running miles. Instead, pick a time when you are together and relaxed. Maybe watching TV together? Just have simple chats about what you are watching/doing etc., and gently build up the communication. You could also try to reach her by doing something simple like buying her a face mask or bath lotion and give to her saying that you noticed she seems a bit down so you thought this may cheer her up a bit. This gesture shows that you are aware of her, noticing her but above all care about her.
Hopefully, the connection will build up enough for you to try to see what is going on for her. You could say "I notice that you seem a bit down lately. If you think a chat would help, I am here" and leave it at that. If she does chat to you it is vitally important that you [B]listen[/B] and try not to jump in with your opinion or reaction. Try to reflect back to her what you think she is saying to show her that you are listening and making sure that you are understanding what she is saying. It is difficult with teenagers, they can be up and down emotionally and sometimes it is something quite simple that is causing it.
If this doesn´t work, maybe a close relative or friend may be able to talk to her. Of course, if the situation gets worse or she seems more depressed, contact your GP and get some advice on counselling services etc.
I hope she is okay and it all works out for you.

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