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bullying           reply
22/11/2006 23:00 - Bullying
hi, i need some advice regarding bullying. i have a 7 yr old, who is fairly sensitive. he used to be quite shy, but we have managed to build up his self-confidence over the years and hes quite outgoing now which is great.however one thing has remained constant. he lets other kids walk all over him..quite literally!!! he has always preferred girls company,and switches quite easily between the girls and the boys.he has a lovely disposition and its breaking my heart to see how he actually lets other kids physically hurt him and when i ask him why he didnt defend himself he says he didnt want to hurt the other child. i dont want to turn my child into some macho little gurrier brat, i like the fact that hes sensitive to other peoples needs, but obviously i need to help him achieve a balance. i would love to hear if anyone else out there has a similar little boy or girl and if so how they have overcome this problem. thanks. look forward to hearing from you..

re : bullying           reply
16/12/2006 14:09 - Bullying

You have a wonderful child there and you are a great Mum. I had a similar situation with my daughter who is now 10. She was bullied once or twice and it was immediately nipped in the bud. We use role play at home and quite often we end up laughing at the end of it too. I would act out the bully part and then her part and then we switch and try out different tactics. My child is very much aware of what is acceptable and unaccepotable behaviour in herself and others and this has won her over. She will never lose her sensitivity and sweet disposition and humitarian spirit but neither will she allow others to get away with bullying her or anyone else as she will report it to the offender and tell them it is not allowed or a responsible adult if she knows it beyond her capability of coping.

Try it it is actually fun to do,


re : bullying           reply
17/05/2007 10:36 - Bullying
Does anyone know of dedicated or suitable courses to help my sixteen year old daughter combat verbal/exclusion bullying in school. Perhaps summer courses through Drama, Sport, Adventure, Team Building, Debating etc.

To Promote greater self confidence, ability to answer back in a non agressive but assertive manner.


re... : bullying           reply
17/05/2007 20:18 - Bullying
Hi Cait
It might be worth contacting the Anti-Bullying centre in TCD for advice on a course your daughter could do. They provide a lot of advice to parents and schools on this issue, much of which you can download from their website, here´s a link
There is also quite a long list of summer courses on this website including some residential courses run by Horizon which might suit - residential course could be good for building her confidence but if you were thinking about it I would first visit the place with your daughter and talk to the organisers about your concerns.

re : bullying           reply
17/05/2007 10:43 - Bullying
At this early stage it is difficult to give him the correct skills to defend himself i.e. walk away without affecting his self confidence or self esteem. However if this is happening in a school setting it would be advisable to alert the class teacher and see what action he/she recommends. Failing this follow on to principal and Board of Management - remember this physical bullying will leave scars on your childs psyche to his future detriment if not nipped in the bud. Also if you are comfortable it might be worth contacting directly the parents of the offender - if they are normal, reasonable people they will thank you for making them aware of their childs unsavoury behaviour.

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