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re... : PLEASE help           reply
01/12/2009 13:18 - Ask Mother Hen
Thank you very much,I called the schools today,and hopefully will be able to get the school situation sorted out.Then I will be settled a bit. If I didn´t have"school days" I don´t know what I would do.
Thanks again,

re : PLEASE help           reply
01/12/2009 12:48 - Ask Mother Hen
Hi Pat

I sympathise with you - it can be very difficult to research schools for your child while living abroad and the Irish education system can be difficult to get a handle on. Whilst a signicant amount of schools listed on our site have Irish names, that does not necessarily mean that they are Irish speaking schools. Those which are Irish speaking normally have the word ´Gaelscoil´ in their title.

Unfortunately you need to contact the schools that you are interested in directly to establish their application procedure, closing dates etc. Acceptance into any individual school will depend on the level of applications and their selection criteria.
If there are more applicants then places, usually schools will give preference to siblings, past pupils kids , and those living in the catchment area. Date of application to the school may also be relevant as may religious persuasion depending on the patronage of the school and the number of applicants.

It is important to try and make contact before christmas as some schools have closing date for application for the following school year around christmas. Will missing these days doesn´t mean that you cant apply later, it would be good to be in with the first round of applicants.

If you are not receiving responses to your emails, I would suggest that you phone the schools you are interested in directly to enquire about their procedure and ask them to email you an application form.


PLEASE help           reply
30/11/2009 14:59 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Galway)
I have been researching for about a month now(online)trying to see what school my son can attend when we move to Knocknacarra,Galway next summer.School is very confusing,as most of it is in Irish,and to my shame I am very rusty.I have been sending emails here there and everywhere,PLEASE can you tell me where my 9 year old son will be eligible to attend,so I can start the ball rolling on getting him registered or whatever needs to be done.We are moving home from New York,so my kids speak no Irish.
Any HELP is appreciated............................

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