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re : Bullyproof           reply
13/11/2012 15:17 - Bullying
What is the definition of bullying?
I use the following if anyone would care to comment.
Bullying is a dynamic whereby there is repeated attempted control or manipulation of one or more individuals against their will by another one or group of individuals using either physical, verbal, psychological or emotional means. In most cases it involves three parties the victim(s), the perpetrator(s) and the observer(s). What is perceived as bullying may not be necessarily perceived as such by all the different parties involved.
The more common one is along this lines:
Bullying is the repeated deliberate aggression, verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against others (individuals or groups). Isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour, although not condoned, cannot be described as bullying. However, when the behaviour is systematic and ongoing, it is bullying.

Bullyproof           reply
30/10/2012 09:52 - Bullying
Bullyproof - Keep an eye out for Clinical Psychologist David Coleman’s new three-part series for RTÉ Education, Bullyproof, which starts tonight, 30th Oct 2012, on RTE 1 at 10.15pm. During the series, Coleman offers his expertise and therapeutic support to a number of young people who have been affected by bullying.

Parents may also find the following Guide published by Webwise about useful.

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